I'm drawing a UML activity diagram and using activity state shape. Inside the state shape I have some text. When the text gets long, I would like to resize the shape so it looks better.
Well, I tried everything and I still couldn't find out how to resize a state shape in Visio.
After some googling, I finally found out that you have to use this trick --
1. Select the state shape.
2. Hit F2.
3. Edit the text to put new lines. Now you have multiple line in the state shape, which resizes the shape to look nicer.
Another note -- when you connect arrows between two states, the arrow is always a straight line. But in some cases you would want a "right-angle" line -- which is a line makes right angles at turns. So you right click on the line and you see in the options that a "right angle connector" is already selected. (I think this is a bug and may not be showing up in all visios). Anyways, what I do is select a "straight line connector". Then right click the line again to select "right angle connector". So an extra unnecessary step is required to make a line to be a right angle line.
Thanks, this is exactly what i looking for.. i face exactly same problem as well..and i getting stressed out figuring how to resize the shape,
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Thanks Again